
The Backbone Framework

Marionette is...

An extension framework on top of Backbone.

It simplifies your Backbone application code with robust views and architecture solutions.

Add as You Go

Marionette is not an all or nothing thing. You can add it as you need on top of a large app regardless of what it is built with.

And you can build on top of it.

What Backbone Gives You

  • Models
  • Views
  • Collections

The Backbone Trap

But Backbone does not help you so much on the view layer.


Implementing your own render solution

render: function(){

Marionette is View-centric

  • Views are the focus
  • Render is taken care of for you
  • + several components to help you build complex apps


Adding dynamic interactions to static DOM

Refactoring jQuery DOM (Before)

Refactoring jQuery DOM (After)

Refactoring Backbone Views (Before)

Refactoring Backbone Views (After)